School Catchment Area Finder
- Click on this link to use the School Catchment Area Finder with a map.
All users are advised to read the information below the postcode search bar and map when using the catchment finder, to check if they are affected.
Catholic schools
A list of Catholic Primary Schools who do not operate a catchment area can be found here.
Church of England Voluntary Aided schools
Some Church of England Voluntary Aided schools give priority to children living in a Local Authority designated catchment area. Others operate a catchment area that aligns with parish boundaries or refer to a much larger area based on the church ecclesiastical area. Please refer to the school’s admission policy to see how they prioritise admissions.
A list of Church of England Voluntary Aided schools who operate a catchment area that aligns with their parish boundary or ecclesiastical area can be found here.
Academies, Free schools, and Foundation schools
Some Academies, Free schools and Foundation schools may have chosen to have a different geographical catchment area or no specific catchment area, which may affect your home address. Parents should refer to the school’s admission policy, which can be found here, to see how places will be allocated.
Catchment changes from September 2025
Please note that the catchment areas for the following schools are changing from September 2025:
Hatch Warren Infant and Junior School, Kempshott Infant and Junior School and North Waltham Primary School – see Annexe I Catchment Area Change Hounsome Fields, Basingstoke for more details.
Tweseldown Infant School and Church Crookham Junior School – see Annexe J Catchment Area Change Albany Park, Fleet
The catchment finder above will continue to show the current catchment arrangement until 31 August 2025. If you are affected by any of these catchment changes and are unsure about your catchment school, please contact the Admissions Team who will be happy to advise.